Healthy Villages

Healthy Villages is a two year program designed to change the lifestyles of Van Buren County residents.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

11 Ways to Cool Down your Summer Workout

Heat exhaustion can occur when your body gets too hot, resulting in physical symptoms like weakness, muscle cramps, dehydration, dizziness, confusion, rapid heart rate and headache. Staying hydrated and getting out of the heat can help prevent and treat heat exhaustion.

But you don't have to give up exercise just because it's hot outside. Here are 11 tips that will help you beat the heat.
  1. Wear "wicking" fabrics- while cotton is comfortable, it doesn't wick away moisture very well. Choose a loose-fitting polyester/cotton blend instead, or synthetic fibers designed especially for wicking during exercise.
  2. Protect your Skin. Apply sunscreen with SP 15 (or higher) to prevent sunburn, even on cloudy days.
  3. Drink Often. Hydrate your body before, during and after your workout by carrying cold water and drinking it often.
  4. Perfect your timing. Sun, humidity and pollution levels are most intense during the day, so you're at greater risk for dehydration, sunburn and heat exhaustion during this time. To minimize the effects of the weather, work out in the early morning or late evening.
  5. Acclimate to the heat. Even the fittest people can have trouble exercising when it's hot and humid. Start by exercising in the heat for only a few minutes each day and gradually increase the amount of time you can tolerate outdoors.
  6. Seek Shade. Parks, trails, and other tree-lined areas can help you stay cooler than direct sunlight.
  7. Monitor your heart rate. If your intensity level rises above your target range, slow down or stop to avoid further stress.
  8. Listen to your body. If you notice any symptoms of heat illness stop your workout. It's not a good idea to "push yourself" in extreme heat.
  9. Know when to stay inside. If temperatures climb above 90 degrees, take your exercise in an air-conditioned environment.
  10. Avoid extreme temperate changes. Don't go from blistering outdoor heat to a shockingly cold air-conditioned building. Try to cool yourself down gradually before exposing your body to cooler temperatures.
  11. Take a dip. Water exercise is a great alternative in hot weather.

Hot weather isn't the time to take risks. Even healthy people should take it easy in extremely high temperatures and everyone should understand how to exercise safely and effectively at the height of the season.

Summer brings many fun and exhilarating opportunities to get outside, so enjoy yourself!

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