Healthy Villages

Healthy Villages is a two year program designed to change the lifestyles of Van Buren County residents.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Grilled Shrimp Cocktail with Yellow Gazpacho Salsa

  • 4 medium tomato(es)
  • 1 medium pepper, yellow
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1/2 small onion, red
  • 2 tablespoon ginger, fresh
  • 2 tablespoon vinegar, white wine
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper, black ground
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 dash(es) hot sauce
  • 1 pound shrimp, raw
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoon thyme, fresh


  1. Mix tomatoes, bell pepper, cucumber, celery, onion, chives, vinegar, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, pepper, salt and hot sauce in a large bowl. Cover and chill for at least 20 minutes or up to 1 day.
  2. Mix shrimp, garlic and thyme in a medium bowl; cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  3. Coat a grill pan with cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat or preheat the grill to medium-high and oil the grill rack. Cook the shrimp until pink and firm, about 2 minutes per side. Serve the shrimp with the salsa.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories: 131
  • Saturated Fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 418mg
  • Dietary Fiber: 2g
  • Total Fat: 1 g
  • Carbs: 10g
  • Cholesterol: 168mg
  • Protein: 20g

10 Steps to Speed Weight Loss

Here are 10 steps to help you loss weight:
  1. Switch up your snacks. Instead of grazing on the baked goodies in the break room, have a plan for healthy snacks that combines a little bit of fat, protein, and crunch as as apple slices with peanut butter.
  2. Cut out high-calorie condiments and sugars-Instead of using sugar in your coffee try splenda. Use mustard on you burger or sandwich instead of mayonnaise and order your salad dressing on the side so you can control the amount you eat.
  3. Hoff it- Exercise is key! People who manage at least 150 minutes of activity a week are more successful with weight loss. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a bit farther from your destination so you have to walk.
  4. Anticipate temptation-If you know you can not resist freshly baked brownies, don't keep a mix in your pantry. If you are going to friends or family members and know you'll have a hard time, make a decision before you get there about what you will eat and stick to it!
  5. Try the veggie-loaded plate method-Banes recommends using your plate to guide your food selection and portion sizes. One half of the plate should be vegetables. The other side can be split between protein and starchy carbohydrates.
  6. Skip the Fast Food- Adults who have been successful with weight loss demonstrated that people who eat at fast-food restaurants less than twice a week have greater success with their weight loss.
  7. Limit the calories you drink- While most people understand sugary sodas add calories, Banes sees a misconception when it comes to sweet tea and juices. Sweetened tea is no less calorie-dense than soda, and you'd be better off eating the fruit than drinking the juice.
  8. Be accountable- Whether you have a diet buddy you check in with, a support group or a food dairy keep track of your daily food choices takes only a few minutes, but can double your weight-loss success.
  9. Order smaller portions-Data suggests that people who order smaller portions or share a plate at restaurants are more successful with weight loss.
  10. Acknowledge your success- People who believe they can succeed with weight loss actually do lose weight more successfully.

These are small changes, all of which can easily be made, will quickly add up to more pounds lost over time!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cantaloupe Crush

  • 1 Cup cantaloupe cubes
  • 1/3 cup pineapple chunks
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup frozen or canned peaches
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 3 ice cubes


Whirl all ingredients in a blender until smooth

Makes 2 servings!

Nutritional Information:

  • Fat: 0.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 24.3g
  • Calories: 96.6
  • Protein: 1.3g

9 Hidden Reasons to Stay Motivated

Are you always looking for ways to stay motivated to keep working out? Here are 9 hidden reasons to stay motivated.
  1. Confidence-How did you feel after that first jog around the block? Or when you finally walked the stairs at work without losing your breath? The more you accomplish, the more you'll believe in yourself.
  2. Fit into that dress- It's been hanging up in your closest now is the time to start being able to wear it.
  3. Make the week easier- Ever felt like a week was taking forever? This happens when you're not working towards anything. When you have a goal in mind, you'll want to cook that healthy dinner or go for a walk.
  4. Give you purpose- Every once in a while, we need a good reason to get out of bed. Eat a healthy breakfast that's going to jump start your day, go for your morning job or walk to the driveway and grab the paper.
  5. For the kids- and your grand kids. The healthier you are, the longer you'll be around to watch!
  6. Power of momentum-Momentum builds quickly and can lead to great results.
  7. The 'wow' effect- Walking int a restaurant, you run into someone you have not seen for awhile. They gasp, "Wow, you look great!"
  8. Spread the spark- When friends and family see how hard you're working, they'll wonder how they can reach their own goals. By staying motivated, you'll not only help yourself, but others too.
  9. Keep gaining experience-The more you do, the more you will learn and understand.

Keep up the good work and stay motivated for a reason that works for you!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Healthy Snack Ides for Kids

As we work on our health goals as adults we need to make sure our kids are also making healthy choices too. Here is a list of good healthy snack ideas for kids and adults!

  • Apple slices with peanut butter
  • Carrot sticks with ranch
  • Grapes and cheddar cheese
  • Sliced turkey on wheat bread
  • Snack mix made with raisins, nuts, and whole wheat cereal
  • Whole grain tortilla or bagel with low-fat cheese or cream cheese
  • Bean burrito on a whole-wheat tortilla
  • Cut-up fruit or easily portable whole fruit, such as apples, oranges or clementines
  • Whole grain cereal, dry or with milk
  • Low-fat yogurt with fresh berries
  • Frozen bananas with peanut butter
  • Strawberries plain or put with some vanilla yogurt

Do you keep a Fitnees Journal?

Why is an exercise journal so important?
In today's lives it is so easy to forget what we do from day to day, much less from week to week. Having a fitness journal allows us to review where we were in the past and to develop a plan where we would like to be in the future. It can also help to determine why some days are harder/easier then others.
Your journal doesn't have to be anything too elaborate! A spiral notebook or some paper stapled together would work great.

Listed Below are things you should include in your journal:
  • Type of activity performed- carido, strength training, yoga, etc.
  • Time spent exercising
  • How you felt during your exercise- were you tired before you started? Did you cut your time short due to fatigue? Did you feel energized?
  • Sleep patterns- Many times the first sign of over training is a disturbance in your sleep pattern. If you begin to experience a change in your sleep habits, you may need to allow a few days off to allow for recovery.
  • Refueling- If you exercised an hour or more did you eat/drink to refuel your glycogen stores after your workout.
  • Weather Conditions- If you exercise outside, include the weather conditions.
  • Strength Training- Make sure you update your training routines regularly.
  • Mileage- Runners should keep track of their daily and weekly mileage.
  • Injury- Documenting an injury will allow you to see how quickly you recover or to know if you need to see a Doctor for an issue that is not resolving.

Not only is a journal another motivator, but many times it can help pinpoint any issues that may arise. Keep a log, while tedious for some, is just another tool to help many people stay accountable!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Little Chef Salad Lettuce Wraps

  • 8 lettuce leaves
  • 1 medium cucumber, peeled, seeded and cut into matchsticks
  • 1 to 2 cups shredded carrots
  • 6 ounces deli-sliced turkey breast, cut into matchsticks
  • 6 ounces deli-sliced ham, cut into matchsticks
  • 4 (1 ounces each) slices cheese, cut into matchsticks
  • 1 medium tomato, seeded and diced
  • 2 hard-cooked egg whites, chopped
  • 2 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 c low-fat dressing of your choice.


  • Rinse lettuce under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Place lettuce on a clean surface.
  • Top each lettuce leaf evenly with cucumber, carrot, turkey, ham and cheese. Sprinkle with tomato, egg and onion. Drizzle with dressing and serve.

Nutrition information per serving:

  • Calories: 275
  • Carbohydrate: 17g
  • Cholesterol: 40mg
  • Dietary Fiber: 2g
  • Fat: 11g
  • Protein: 19g
  • Saturated Fat: 4g
  • Sodium: 950 mg

Recipe from

11 Things Children can Teach you about Healthy Living:

Everything you need to know about fitness and nutrition you can learn from watch kids.
  1. Everything can be a game. Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.
  2. Don't walk when you can run. Everyday is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. The rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk".
  3. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.
  4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.
  5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.
  6. The world should be full of color-- especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible, paint it like a rainbow with food.
  7. It's always more fun with friends around. Children ten to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having a playgroup.
  8. Adventures are found outside, not inside. Every kid knows that the good stuff is the great outdoors-- fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities.
  9. It's important to use your imagination. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.
  10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And they are right!
  11. You have your whole life ahead of you. Here's your chance to do it right!