Healthy Villages

Healthy Villages is a two year program designed to change the lifestyles of Van Buren County residents.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

11 Things Children can Teach you about Healthy Living:

Everything you need to know about fitness and nutrition you can learn from watch kids.
  1. Everything can be a game. Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.
  2. Don't walk when you can run. Everyday is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. The rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk".
  3. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.
  4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.
  5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.
  6. The world should be full of color-- especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible, paint it like a rainbow with food.
  7. It's always more fun with friends around. Children ten to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having a playgroup.
  8. Adventures are found outside, not inside. Every kid knows that the good stuff is the great outdoors-- fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities.
  9. It's important to use your imagination. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.
  10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And they are right!
  11. You have your whole life ahead of you. Here's your chance to do it right!

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