Healthy Villages

Healthy Villages is a two year program designed to change the lifestyles of Van Buren County residents.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6 Reasons to Add Strength Training to Your Workout

Strength Training will add definition to your muscles and give men and women alike more fit and toned bodies. But working out with weights does so much more:
  1. Protects bone health and muscle mass
  2. Makes you stronger and more fit
  3. Helps you develop better body mechanics
  4. Plays a role in disease prevention
  5. Boosts energy levels and improves your mood
  6. Translates to more calories burned

Don't limit yourself to thinking that lifting weights, expensive machines or gym membership is the only way to do strength training. Push ups, jump squats, lunges, and mountain climbing are all examples of exercises that provide strength training.

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